Metal Cloud Ltd

Darren Tunnicliff:

Consulting, contracting and bespoke software development services for Microsoft SharePoint, Power Platform & Azure.

Microsoft Office SharePoint (2019–present)


I've been working with the SharePoint platform since the MOSS 2007 days - developing solutions and intranets all the way through to the latest version of SharePoint Online.

Power App icon Power Automate icon

Power Platform

Experience of producing a wide range of company forms and workflows on the Power Apps and Power Automate platform.

Azure icon


Experience of producing Web Jobs and API's on this cloud platform and also managing Azure Active Directory (AAD) and Business to Business (B2B) accounts.

Azure icon

.Net Development

I have developed Blazor and .Net web sites, Windows forms, and client side batch jobs to support various business solutions. I also use DevOps as a source repository and have experience of CI/CD and using pipelines to build and deploy code.

About Me

This is basically a copy of my LinkedIn profile, but I might keep this more up to date.

My most recent engagement has mainly involved migrating a large on-prem content management system and file shares to SharePoint and OneDrive.

  • Creating bespoke tools to migrate OpenText folders and metadata to SharePoint.
  • Writing PowerShell scripts to move employees data to OneDrive.

During this time I have also helped create various APIs to provide information and functionality for the company website.

  • Secure Azure API to provide PDF copy of customer bills.
  • SharePoint list and Power Automate workflow for website contact forms.
Get In Touch


Feel free to contact me using any of the methods below. If you do call and I am not available please leave a message and I will get back to you.


Metal Cloud Ltd, Knockaldie, Leswalt, Stranraer. DG9 0LZ



+44 (0)7968529032